Ceramic Coating Care Instructions

Congratulations on choosing to have your vehicle coated with ceramic! Ceramic coating is an excellent way to protect your vehicle's paint and keep it looking shiny and new for years to come. In order to maintain the quality of your ceramic coating, it is important to keep these aftercare instructions in mind:

  1. Do not wash your vehicle for 7 days after application of the ceramic coating to allow it to fully cure. This will ensure that the coating properly adheres to your vehicle's paint & has hardness.
  2. When washing your vehicle, use a pH-neutral car wash soap and a microfiber towel or wash mitt. Avoid using harsh chemicals, brushes, or sponges, as they can cause light micro marring over time.
  3. Dry your vehicle thoroughly with a clean, dry microfiber towel after washing. Or blow dry. This will prevent water spots and ensure that your vehicle looks its best.
  4. Avoid washing your vehicle in direct sunlight or high temperatures. This can cause the soap to dry too quickly and leave residue on your vehicle's paint.
  5. If you use a laser wash, it’s best to use the lowest option that does not include waxes or sealants.
  6. Enjoy the unmatched gloss and depth of color!

If you notice any stains, bird droppings, or other contaminants on your vehicle, remove them as soon as possible by using a detail spray or water with a soft microfiber towel and light pressure. These contaminants can reduce the life of your ceramic coating if left on for too long.